Pines Partner Information Services
If you need some support or information just contact:
We’ll give you confidence, empowering you to know your rights, know what questions to ask and have your voices heard.
We can be contacted by phone on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
between 9:30-12:30 and 13:00-16:00 on 07514 120288.
At this point we will take some key details and you will be offered a telephone appointment with a Family Support Worker..
If you would like to know more about autism, including support strategies to try, diagnosis, local support groups, or if you’d just like a chat do get in touch:
highlandinformationofficer@nas.org.uk 01463 720056 or 07731 982706 (Answerphone service)
Watch to find out more about the service
Highland Information Service
Information about autism before and after diagnosis
Thriving Families
Our goal is to become the ‘go to’ charity known for improving the lives of families living in the Highlands.